Sunday, December 29, 2019

Let s Face It We All Worry At Times - 1402 Words

Let’s face it, we all worry at times, especially when we are going to face the uncertain outcome of an event or a reaction of a person. In other words, it is the unperceived dangers triggers by fear of the unknown that puts us over the edge. Our heart rate can be increased, poor concentration at work and school, sleeping problem, nervousness to about anything from family and friends to driving on a freeway. This is a sign of Anxiety, an anticipated future with sometimes the scary prediction that do not have any basis in truth, that significant enough to interfere with our daily function. It can happen with or without cause(s). Should this interruption continues and in frequent, it is recommended to seek medical help. However, should this panic is temporary. For example: Getting late to work, you forget where you have placed the car key when you came home last night from a ball game. Guests are coming over in 30 minutes for dinner, your dishes are not even half ready, and what are you going to do? We can relate to these events are physical and emotional responses to perceived danger; it is the fear of the anticipation of unpredictable event that follows. If it is a rare and accidental event, often people ignore it or just say â€Å"claim down, it is just a rush of adrenaline†. But if these events prolongs and increase in frequency, this may be a sign and symptoms for anxiety. It usually associate with increased heart rate, sleeping problem, poor concentration at work or in school.Show MoreRelatedA Days Wait1204 Words   |  5 Pageswriting celebrates heroes and explores the nature of courage in this story. In much of his writing he dramatizes the importance of bravery in the face of death and of life’s everyday problems. This story deals with the quiet courage needed to face fear. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

In The Strawberry Fields Eric Schlosser - 1289 Words

Rajkuar Kalirajan List Byrne Eng: 1510 Date 09/24/2017 Anything But Free - The Tale of Migratory Work Force in California America, United Stated of America (USA), is a land of immigrants. The country was built by immigrants but gradually immigration to this country became harder. Several contagious nations of American continents have lot of population living in poverty and were strongly convinced to immigrate to USA illegally, by travelling on foot for several days, crossing deserts, mountains and the southern border of USA, in search of a secured and better life for them and for their kids. Eric Schlosser in his article In the Strawberry Fields honestly assessed the conditions of the migratory work force in California straw berry†¦show more content†¦However, implementing a valid farm worker visa system which monitors entry and exit of foreign aliens will let them receive fair wages, pay taxes and receive governmental benefits. On the other hand the govern should impose sanctions on entities that illegally import and dump products in to our market to gain the price advantage and should make the market advantageous for local farmers and local production. In this following assay I am going to discuss in detail how the authors observations were contrasted with my views. One of the important problems that the author raised is the legal status of the illegal immigrants and their depressed living conditions. The legal status and living conditions are interconnected because in order to rent a decent apartment you need to prove that you are legally present in USA with thorough documentation which the illegal farm workers will not have and hence these poor workers were miserably compromised to live in pits, trenches and under trees. The author describes that the poor farm workers were very bad in shape and are constantly at the mercy of variable adversities like natural disasters and bad weather. If there is a storm they get wet all night and the only way they can dry up is to wait for the morning sunlight. Also illegal immigrants keep move place to place to find a job and look for shelter to stay because of their constant move they can t afford to have permanent structured home at oneShow MoreRelatedThe Strawberry Fields By Eric Schlosser1306 Words    |  6 PagesBethany Beaudoin Professor Byrne English 1510 9/24/17 Farmers and Their Fields Strawberries are treasured by numerous throughout the world, but feelings may transformation after the unveiling of some dark secrets of strawberry farms. â€Å"In the Strawberry Fields† by Eric Schlosser brings up many concerning realities about what life is truly like for strawberry pickers. Many of these farm workers are illegal migrants from Mexico. Because of their illegal status, they are far less probable to go to theRead MoreIn The Strawberry Fields By Eric Schlosser2000 Words   |  8 Pagesillegally, by travelling on foot for several days, crossing deserts, mountains and the southern border of USA, to get a decent and secured better life for them and for their kids. Eric Schlosser in his article In the Strawberry Fields honestly assessed the conditions of the migratory work force in California straw berry fields while providing facts and evidences to support his observations. In his article the author mainly focused on Living and working conditions, wages and ha zardous health conditionsRead MoreAnalysis Of Eric Schlosser s The Strawberry Fields 1615 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican dream. However, the way, does not always possess the same innocent light of the optimistic saying. In Eric Schlosser’s article, â€Å"In the Strawberry Fields† he discusses exactly that. Immigrants often end up doing the laborious farm work most Americans are unwilling to do with good reason. More specifically, he discusses the working conditions of migrant workers in strawberry fields, one of the most difficult row crops to grow. This work is largely done in California where the farming industryRead MoreMcdonald s Fries : The Holy Grail Of French Fries1032 Words   |  5 PagesSome people would argue that McDonald’s fries are the Holy Grail of French fries. Ray Croc, one of the founders of McDonald’s wrote in his autobiography that the French fry was â€Å"almost sacrosanct for me† (Schlosser 50). What was it that made their f ries the leader in fast food? In the early years, it was the way they were fried that gave them this intriguing flavor. As time progressed, in the mid 60’s, they began to use frozen fries to cut cost, and people noticed. 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But, in this case the underground can be a country’s main economy for survival such as, â€Å"In Bolivia the underground economy is responsible for an estimated 65 percent of GDP. In Nigeria it accounts for perhaps 76 percent.† (7) This type ofRead MoreThe 9 / 11 Attack Essay1599 Words   |  7 Pagestheir situation. One can find mostly Mexican immigrants working in crop fields picking all sorts of fruits and vegetables, considering that the hardest job is as a strawberry picker, and it all being unjust in the way that they treat and pay them. Eric Schlosser in his book â€Å"Reefer Madness† includes the condition on how an immigrant man by the name of Felipe was working and the way that he felt about the job as a strawberr y picker. â€Å"They use us all year as slaves,’ he said. ‘They pay us whateverRead MoreFast Food Industry By Eric Schlosser3535 Words   |  15 PagesEstrella Introduction 1. Eric Schlosser chose the topic of fast food industry because he became quite inspired after reading an article about illegal immigrants in a strawberry field and how they a suffered in the process. The article was based on an investigation that was placed on the fields while they worked. It was also based on the immense impact that this industry had on society. Schlosser wanted to as said in his book â€Å"shed light† to the world on how successful hard working industry worksRead MoreIs Fast Food Blame For Obesity?1822 Words   |  8 Pagesthere are about 30,000 McDonald restaurants and every year the company opens up roughly 2,000 new ones. They set the standard for the rest of the industries. Its widely imitated practices not only by fast food industries but also by companies in other fields. McDonald’s is a colossus, its America’s largest purchaser of beef, pork and potatoes, and 2nd largest purchaser of chicken. One of the largest owners of retail propert y in the world. Most of its money is earned not only by selling hamburgers, but

Friday, December 13, 2019

Pilipinas for Sale Gma7 Free Essays

Gerald C. RollonCLHS104 Environmental ScienceMr. Choi PILIPINAS FOR SALE Sa Luzon, tinuklas ang sinasabing nagaganap na bentahan ng ilang isla sa pamosong El Nido sa Palawan. We will write a custom essay sample on Pilipinas for Sale Gma7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Tulad na lang ng Turtle Island, kilalang breedingground ng mga pawikan. Ang walong ektaryang isla, ngayo’y ibinebenta sa halagang P12 million. Sa Visayas, may ganito ring nagaganap na kalakalan sa Bohol. Gamit ang tax declaration, ibinebenta rin ang ilang islang idineklara bilang protected area. Sa Cebu naman, natuklasang ginagamit ito bilang isa sa transhipment points upang ipuslit palabas ng bansa ang black corals. Sa Mindanao, hinanap sa kauna-unahang pagkakataon ang umano’y pinagmulan ng tone-toneladang black corals na nasabat sa mga pier ilang buwan na ang nakararaan. Sinayasat din ang isyu ng pagmimina sa CARAGA, ang tinaguriang mining capital sa bansa. REFECTION: PILIPINAS FOR SALE This is sad to know that our own land is for sale. People of the Philippines must not only focus on the problems in Manila alone but also see the other problems of its other islands because every Filipino people would benefit its preservation. I think the government should do something about it, if they have the responsibility of protecting its people, they might be also have the responsibility to take care of its mother land and everything that was created within it. Most especially the people should be aware of the consequences one thing might happen in the future. Big companies might offer something else as a counter offer for their own gain but whose to blame if the government can’t provide the people what they need. Too sad! How to cite Pilipinas for Sale Gma7, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Operational management of Tourism and Hospitality

Question: Discuss about the Registration of Propriety Limited Company. Answer: Introduction A propriety Limited Company in most cases is abbreviated as PTY LTD. The name propriety means a company which is privately owned and on the other hand, limited refers to the liability that arises from the shareholders limited payment of debts by the amount of shares. Before registration of propriety limited company especially in Australia. There are very vital and important requirements which must be met. These requirements include the following; the company in question must at least have one director on board. The company must also have a physical Australian address for an office that is registered (Australia 2011). Other than that, the company must have on the lower case at least one shareholder but not exceeding a total of 50 non employees. The registration of a propriety limited company is reffered to section 117 where an application for registration is taken and completed in preparation of all the relevant consent. The application of the form has to be made to be made to ASIC whose full meaning is Australian Securities and Investment Commission. The subject body is the one charged with governing all the companies incorporation. At the registration of a propriety limited company, one will have to provide a corporate register for documentation which is supposed to be in line with the Corporate Act of 2001. It is only out of this that Australian Securities and Investment Commission will be able to provide you with the registration certificate. Nevertheless, the registration of a propriety limited company also requires very close observance on the internal management of the company which is to be governed by combination of rules and constitution that are replaceable. The mentioned should be in line with the Corporation Act under section 134 and 135. According to Corporations Act of 2001, replaceable rules are defined as certain sections within the Corporate Act which have an automatic application with respect to governing the management of the company. The NB section 134 and 135, clearly states the powers of rules that are within the constitution. Some of the powers include the following; the appointment and powers of the directors. It also deals with the regulation of the members and directors meetings. On the same aspect, it provides for the provisions of a number of share classes (Australia company laws and regulations handbook 2009). This is the main reason why the internal management of the propriety limited company should be under the governance by the combination of replaceable rules and constitution under section 134 and 135 as already covered from a detailed perspective. The registration of the company in question should also have a class of both ordinary shares as well as a class of redeemable preference shares. The former is covered under section 254A (2) and (3). In the case of preference shares, it is important in a companys registration since it empowers the subject issue. The shares are also pegged to the already discussed concept of constitutionality and rules of NB section 134 and 135 that deals with matters related to repayment of capital, cumulative and noncumulative of dividends (Cassidy 2006). On the part of redeemable preference shares under section 254A (3), it is vital for registration because it will allow for the propriety limited company to redeem its shares at a time that is fixed or on the happening of certain events. The events may be in line with the subject company option or shareholders option. All these are captured in NB section 254A (3). Section 198 A in the Corporate Act Background information of the section in context in line with the Corporate Act Section 198A of the corporate Act is a section that occurs within the 2001 Act of Corporations. It is a section that covers wider area or a wide perspective. The section is mainly in line with the powers directors, for example under special rules; it mentions propriety companies that may have single directors (Cch Editors. (2008). The section stipulates that the director of a propriety company is allowed to administer all of the company except where the Act in question requires the company to undergo an exercise of a general meeting. Reason for Inclusion of Section 198A in the Corporate Act The main reason for inclusion of the chapter in question is based on the provision it offers in terms of the overall managerial remuneration That is either payable by a private company where we find the propriety limited company or public company. This particular section also offers great and extensive coverage on the view of directors of propriety limited companies. Some the area it covers includes the duties of directors, those who are considered as directors among other major concerns. Section 191under the Corporate Act Background of section 191 under the mentioned Act The section in question is in line with the material self interest. This is mainly on the duties that are majorly held by the directors and therefore the disclosure of those duties is within their discretion (Cohen, Small Zimiles 2002). Reason for Inclusion of the Section in Context under the Corporate Act Main reason for inclusion of the subject section in the Corporate Act is because it closely examines how directors undertake duties they need to disclose. For example; it states that a company director has a material of personal interest in a matter that relates to the affairs of the company and must also offer notice messages unless stated otherwise. The section in question within the Corporate Act also gives relation to a contract that a company may bring forward in terms of entering into a business that is still pending approval by the members and there will be no imposition on any obligation on the grounds that the approval is not made by the members. The final reason why it is included in the Corporate Act is also on the basis that it analyzes various sub paragraphs in which if incase there are conflicting issues within the propriety limited company or any other company provided its provisions are within the subject section, references can be made and problem analyzed. Therefore section 191 is a vital organ in the Corporate Act, some experts at one point argued it out as one of the sections that act as key pillars to the Act in context. There argument was majorly based on how the Act addresses critical concerns with regards to companys directors and how these concerns can be looked at from a deeper perspective (Tomasic, Bottomley McQueen 2002). The Act has created many merits in companys managerial procedures because directors have been made known to the nature of their work and how they are also suppose to undertake them. Section 250 R (2) (3) of the Corporate Act Background of the above Section with regards to the Corporate Act The background of the section in context is mainly about the critical role it plays with regards to Corporations Act 2001 under AGM. Its background critically examines purposes and objectives that are to be considered in the cases of annual general meetings. Reason for Inclusion in the Corporate Act Its main reason for existence in the Corporate Act is because of the detailed information and guidelines that it offers for Annual General Meetings. It is documented in the subject section that there should considerations which are to be made with respect to both the financial report and the directors report. Section 250R (2) (3) also includes the consideration of the auditors report for the AGM (Moore Watson 2003). Apart from the mentioned, the subject also offers electoral guidelines for propriety limited companies, the fixation of the auditors remunerations and the procedure for appointment of auditors. The section above offers guidelines that are used in the advisory resolutions when it comes to adoption of reports of remuneration. The vitality of this section is greater because it acts as what combines the whole of propriety limited sector or even sectors of public companies. This is because as already mentioned in the background of the subject; it takes direct controls of AGMs. It is out of these AGMs that a company is able reflects into issues that relates to its operations, how it has performed for that particular year and even report analysis. From here, the company will able to come up with recommendations and restructuring policies that will be able to move it to greater highs (Slemrod 2010). On the same plight, the section in question also offers guidelines on matters of elections as mentioned are key areas in a company. The section ensures that there is smooth exit of the old energy and allows the entrance of a new energy that will be able to spur the company into better and greater heights. The mentioned are just a few explanations with the view of the already mentioned key reasons for inclusion of the section in question. Conclusion In conclusion, the registration of a propriety limited company is a detailed process that requires a number of documents and provisions as mentioned in the introductory paragraphs. The task above has also tackled critical areas that as provided as per the instructions. References Australia. (2011). Australian corporations securities legislation 2011. North Ryde, N.S.W., CCH Australia. Australia company laws and regulations handbook (2009). Vol. 1 strategic information and basic regulations. Vol. 1 strategic information and basic regulations. Washington, International Business Publications. Cassidy, J. (2006). Concise corporations law. Annandale, N.S.W., Federation Press. Cch Editors. (2008). Australian master accountants guide 2008/09. Sydney, CCH Australia. Cohen, H. R., Small, R. A., Zimiles, E. (2002). Money laundering update 2002: what you need to know now. New York, Practising Law Institute. Tomasic, R., Bottomley, S., McQueen, R. (2002). Corporations law in Australia. Sydney, Federation Press. Moore, J. C., Watson, V. (2003). Long service leave (New South Wales): being the Long Service Leave Act, 1955-1963, with rules, forms and notes. Sydney, Law Book Co. of Australasia. Slemrod, J. (2010). Do taxes matter?: the impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.