Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Conflict Diamond Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conflict Diamond - Speech or Presentation Example In the late 1990s, this trade caught the attention of the world as the protracted conflict in Sierra Leone reached its devastating climax. It is not just Sierra Leone that has suffered – diamonds have fuelled or exacerbated conflicts in Angola, Liberia, Ivory Coast, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. These diamonds are regularly produced through the forced labor of men, women and children, or stolen during violent attacks on legitimate mining operations ( They have, on several occasions, been the main source of funding for brutal rebel groups. Due to the huge amount of money at stake in the illegal diamond trade, bribes, threats and torture often accompany the mining. In Liberia, between 1989 and 2003, there were two civil wars which killed perhaps 250,000 people, while displacing a further 1.3 million ( Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has used his diamond mines to fund a military campaign against civilians in L iberia and Sierra Leone, and is currently on trial in the International Court of Human Rights. In Ivory Coast, a civil war was sparked off in 2002, and even now, the country remains divided, with widespread human rights violations. Sierra Leone is perhaps the worst example of what blood diamonds can do to a country. Legitimate diamonds once provided the mainstay of the government’s revenues. Gradually, as rebel groups in the east of the country gained control over the mines, these revenues were reduced to nothing. By August 1993, even before the civil war had escalated, the total revenues reaching the government in Freetown amounted to some $8,000 (Dowden, 294). Meanwhile, in the mines, children were being sent down into tiny tunnels, while soft gravel above them regularly collapsed and buried them. The greed engendered by the illegitimate trade in diamonds led to a breakdown of traditional society. Visiting a village in 1993, Richard Dowden spoke to a local doctor who commen ted, ‘There is no trust – not even between these brothers who dig together. We have many killings. A lot of people disappear’ (296). Once Civil War broke out, all this worsened. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) ruined the country’s interior. Bankrolled by diamonds, it raided villages, killing the inhabitants or cutting off their hands. Children were forced to become soldiers, and to kill their families and take drugs. They murdered and raped their way through the country, so that, by the end of the war, it was at the bottom of the United Nations Development Index. Let us consider the alternative. If diamonds are mined legitimately, under license from a popularly-elected and accountable government, and processed legitimately, and sold legitimately, to Western jewelers who insist upon certificates confirming the provenance of the diamonds, the revenues from these sales will be fed back into the revenues of the resource-rich states. A country currently re eling from decades of devastating war can use such revenues to build and rebuild schools, hospitals, roads, railways, and even to rebuild lives, by offering those scarred by the conflict a second chance. By taking the diamonds out of the hands of brutal militias, and into the hands of legitimate governments, we can promote sustainable development in a troubled and impoverished region. For confirmation of this, we need only look to those African countries which have managed their

Monday, October 28, 2019

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response in Schools Essay Example for Free

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response in Schools Essay The professional nurse uses clinical judgment and decision making skills to provide appropriate nursing care and collaborates with other health care professionals responding to the emergency or disaster. The purpose of this paper is to outline the professional nurse’s role and how the nurse works with other responding personnel as well as the community affected in the event of a tornado that affects a school. The Role of the Nurse A disaster is defined as any natural or human-made incident that causes disruption, destruction, and/or devastation requiring external assistance (Stanhope, 2012). Schools are generally considered a safe haven for the children attending, but various types of emergencies can occur within the school walls that impact the school and the surrounding community. Severe weather can be a natural disaster when it produces tornadoes. Tornadoes have proven to be large scale disasters, causing problems ranging from loss of power to major structural damage and resulting in physical injuries, including loss of life. Tornadoes outside of a school setting cause severe damage and casualties, but when the tornado hits a school it becomes a disaster setting for all school personnel and the school nurse. The school nurse immediately is looked at when there is any type of medical emergency. When there is an entire school that has been affected by destruction like a tornado, the school nurse is most definitely overwhelmed with patients. The nurse must be prepared and work closely with all responding personnel to ensure a timely response to all affected, inside the school and the parents affected outside the school. The school nurse is an expert in the nursing process and should utilize these steps in order to care for all involved in a disaster like this. The professional nurse, through her education, should be prepared to utilize the nursing process (assess, plan, implement, evaluate). It is critical the school nurse knows his/her role prior to the disaster. His/her role includes triage, coordination of the first aid response team, and direct hands-on care to the victims of the emergency. The school nurse also plays an important role in the mental health support for the students and faculty involved during the emergency and in the recovery phase of the emergency. The nurse must be able to identify with and be able to communicate with all responding healthcare personnel. The responding will include, but is not limited to, firefighters, both paid and volunteer, EMS personnel, Emergency Management Personnel, law enforcement, and local healthcare providers, such as physicians and nurses. The school board office will also have responding personnel to the scene as well. The main goal of the professional nurse is to communicate with all responding personnel and ensure that everyone involved in the response clearly knows their role and who they should report to. Nursing Strategies Every community can always improve in their response to emergencies and disasters. Planning before the disaster hits is the key. Preparations for a facility’s response to an emergency involving realistic training exercises, (O’Boye, 2006) can greatly reduce anxiety levels and increase the likelihood of more positive results. Some examples of emergency and disaster planning includes, but is not limited to, mock exercises, more interagency cooperation in the mock exercises, identifying how we, as a community, will respond, who would be in charge of communications, who would be in charge of logistics, and a list of every one’s role in the emergency response (Laureate, 2012). The school nurse is in a leadership position to provide continuous coordination and training of all school personnel as well as the communities involved as part of the school’s emergency plan. Implementing the National Incident Command system into the school’s emergency plan is vital. This system includes universal protocols and language (Stanhope, 2012). This system acknowledges the need for mutual aid response and allows for easy to understand communication and description of roles no matter what agency or community the responders come from. This system should be implemented in every school because when a disaster strikes, especially at a school, people come from all over the country to render aid and this system provides a framework that everyone can understand. Summary The school nurse’s assistance in community-wide planning groups is helpful in the facilitation of a rapid, coordinated, effective emergency response within the framework of the Incident Command System. This includes establishing standard emergency response plans and participating in skills, drills and exercises to evaluate the response capabilities of a school, as well as the effectiveness of the plan (NASN, 2013). Disasters occurring at schools create a larger scale disaster because not only is there the disaster inside the school, but there is also a disaster created outside the school from all of the parents wanting answers that sometimes takes hours to produce the answers to. Planning is the key and the school nurse is in the position to help in the planning of the response plan in these disasters.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Statue of Liberty Lending Credence to the Word Freedom in America E

The Statue of Liberty Lending Credence to the Word Freedom in America The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognized artifacts of freedom in the world. It has the ability to create emotions that range from happiness to anger all at one time. The best way to analyze such a powerful image is to use Kenneth Burke’s idea of pentadic analysis. By using this method of the analysis, we will be able to answer the rhetorical question: How does the Statue of Liberty lend credence to the word â€Å"freedom† in America? To begin with, it is necessary to obtain some background on the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States in 1886 as a gift from France and dedicated as a national monument in 1924 (1). Standing at approximately 46.50 meters and weighing 225 tons it was the largest structure, at the time, to have entered the United States via Ellis Island, New York (1). Before the entrance of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island was used as a border for immigrants who wanted to be a part of â€Å"the land of the free and the home of the brave (2).† With the coming of the Statue, there was something tangible for new Americans to see when they entered the country. With its newfound fame as the first visual representation of the immigrants, the Statue also soon became a link to the idea of freedom and a brighter future. In 1976, a renovation project began to fix some mistakes made in its initial transport to the United States. Lee Iacocca, CEO of the Chrysler Motor Corporation at the time (3), led this renovation. Iacocca began calling the Statue of Liberty, â€Å"Lady Liberty†, as he was fixing the crown, torch and replacing the copper with bronze (3). This new title also shed some light on the significance of the Statue because now liberty and justice had taken over the form of a woman, tasked to watch over the United States like a mother does her children (3). With the background of the Statue of Liberty, we can move on to the importance of the application of Burke’s pentad model in this artifact. Burke’s initial idea of pentadic analysis stems from his view of dramatism (4). According to Burke, dramatism is a way of analyzing material with the desire to form a direct link between human motives and clusters of terminology (4). Foss (1996) points out that dramatism has two fundamental assumptions. The first assumption is t... ...-act, agency-agent, agency-purpose, purpose-scene, purpose-act, purpose-agent, and purpose-agency (4). For the purposes of this analysis, the ratio of act-purpose will be used. By ordering the ratio in this manner, we are stressing the fact that the act and the purpose have the most influential effects on the pentad. However the dominant factor in all of this is the act – the representation of the American Dream and freedom. The significance of the act is defined by the historical struggle of creating a nation of independence and freedom, also referred to as the scene. The statue itself, the agency, communicates this message to the world and at the same time aims to carry out the underlined purpose, by persuading people to remember the ideals that our nation was founded upon. This is where the element attitude can enter the picture. As mentioned earlier, attitude deals with the manner in which the purpose is portrayed. The Statue of Liberty is an object and therefore does not have the ability to verbalize, however, the attitude seen in her towering presence and the stern look on her face reinforce the purpose and allow the message to be effective. The Statue of Liberty Lending Credence to the Word Freedom in America E The Statue of Liberty Lending Credence to the Word Freedom in America The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognized artifacts of freedom in the world. It has the ability to create emotions that range from happiness to anger all at one time. The best way to analyze such a powerful image is to use Kenneth Burke’s idea of pentadic analysis. By using this method of the analysis, we will be able to answer the rhetorical question: How does the Statue of Liberty lend credence to the word â€Å"freedom† in America? To begin with, it is necessary to obtain some background on the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was given to the United States in 1886 as a gift from France and dedicated as a national monument in 1924 (1). Standing at approximately 46.50 meters and weighing 225 tons it was the largest structure, at the time, to have entered the United States via Ellis Island, New York (1). Before the entrance of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island was used as a border for immigrants who wanted to be a part of â€Å"the land of the free and the home of the brave (2).† With the coming of the Statue, there was something tangible for new Americans to see when they entered the country. With its newfound fame as the first visual representation of the immigrants, the Statue also soon became a link to the idea of freedom and a brighter future. In 1976, a renovation project began to fix some mistakes made in its initial transport to the United States. Lee Iacocca, CEO of the Chrysler Motor Corporation at the time (3), led this renovation. Iacocca began calling the Statue of Liberty, â€Å"Lady Liberty†, as he was fixing the crown, torch and replacing the copper with bronze (3). This new title also shed some light on the significance of the Statue because now liberty and justice had taken over the form of a woman, tasked to watch over the United States like a mother does her children (3). With the background of the Statue of Liberty, we can move on to the importance of the application of Burke’s pentad model in this artifact. Burke’s initial idea of pentadic analysis stems from his view of dramatism (4). According to Burke, dramatism is a way of analyzing material with the desire to form a direct link between human motives and clusters of terminology (4). Foss (1996) points out that dramatism has two fundamental assumptions. The first assumption is t... ...-act, agency-agent, agency-purpose, purpose-scene, purpose-act, purpose-agent, and purpose-agency (4). For the purposes of this analysis, the ratio of act-purpose will be used. By ordering the ratio in this manner, we are stressing the fact that the act and the purpose have the most influential effects on the pentad. However the dominant factor in all of this is the act – the representation of the American Dream and freedom. The significance of the act is defined by the historical struggle of creating a nation of independence and freedom, also referred to as the scene. The statue itself, the agency, communicates this message to the world and at the same time aims to carry out the underlined purpose, by persuading people to remember the ideals that our nation was founded upon. This is where the element attitude can enter the picture. As mentioned earlier, attitude deals with the manner in which the purpose is portrayed. The Statue of Liberty is an object and therefore does not have the ability to verbalize, however, the attitude seen in her towering presence and the stern look on her face reinforce the purpose and allow the message to be effective.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Symbols and Symbolism in Sir Gawain and Green Knight Essay -- Sir Gawa

Symbolism in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight    Symbolism is a literary technique used in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to liven up the story and give a deeper significance to the plot.   Almost anything in the poem can be interpreted as a symbol in one way or another.   The Green Knight, the green sash, and Sir Gawain's shield are three of the most prominent symbols presented to us in this author's tale.         Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Green Knight, this poem's antagonist, serves as a symbol himself.   He is not only portrayed as evil, but a mixture of the familiar and foreign, nature and synthetic, and divine and damned origin.   His large stature can be interpreted as threatening or powerful.   His green glow could be nature-associated or alien-associated.   The first time he appears in the poem, he is even carrying a holly-branch (signifying peace) in one hand and a battle axe (signifying conflict) in the other.   It's hard to say exactly for what the Green Knight stands, because f...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

African continent Essay

My friend came from the African continent, we had shared a lot since we had met in high school and she had always told me stories of her country, most of the stories sounded interestingly and I knew deep down in my heart that it would be a place I would want to visit probably for adventure purposes. It was one of the school holidays when she had been preparing to go back home for an event that was important to her and her clansmen. She had told me that it would be great event and that I was welcome to attend, then event was supposed to go for a week. I was hesitant at first because I knew that I would a lot of money for my transport and accommodation but still really needed to go for an adventure. I thought about it for about six months and I approaching my parents to see if they could finance me. It took a few days when at last they both asked me how safe I would being that far from home. My dad had wondered how safe Africa could be and especially for someone like me who had never been there before. When I convinced them that my friend would take care of me and always give me company they granted my wish! I remember having sat next to my friend in the plane leaving for Nairobi with a lot of anxiety, many imaginations but soon feel asleep since the journey was a long one. We flew for many hours and eventually got to land in the large airport that was filled with peoples movements. We walked out through the arrivals exit and I followed my friends who led me to a huge group of people who I came to learn later that they were her relatives. We put our bags onto a car, entered and were driven off. We then reached to her parents’ home and for sure I could see that it was full of people, my friend told me that the main event was going to take place the following day and that is the reason there were so many people to do the preparation. We were walked through the people as we shook their hands a way of greeting in many parts of Africa. I was shown the room that I would spend my nights which was well lit and next to where my friend was to occupy. The next morning we were woken up very early, I had lost truck of time and I kept trying to figure out and adjust to the time zones. I had told that this day marked a very important transition period to the age group; it was their initiation day! That the process takes a week, which all the initiates had been sent away from home to the wild for months! When the right time reached I saw a parade of many young looking people all in traditional attires, they looked so wonderful! They had colors on their heads and funny slipper- like shoes. There was a lot of singing and dancing, ooh it was wonderful! The main ceremony/initiation process was to start at 4. 30 in the morning and it was a circumcision ceremony. Very old people were to perform the act, the initiates were many and that the process as painful as it is they do not administer anesthesia this way they rate the initiate who undergoes the whole process without any sign of fear or pain as the bravest one. Now I realized at some point that some girls I had seen at the parade were also waiting to undergo the same procedure! I couldn’t believe it, how could a society be so cruel? How could anyone want to mutilate the genitals of a female? I kept asking my friend and I was in total dismay! She kept telling me that it is the society way of intiating the girl child from childhood to adulthood. But I wondered why through such a cruel act? Can’t there be anyone who can stand against it and educate this society the health damages associated? I then observed that the same razor blades were used on all the initiates and at this point I made up my mind that I was not going to leave this place having not conveyed my dismay to the few people who would care to listen. There was so much tension as the process took place, much tension from the parents of the initiates because if anyone cried or screamed during the process they could be left alone and the whole society would treat such a person as a coward. Every time the operation went well there would be ululations in high voices. The few times the operation didn’t go smoothly there would kicks and blows it was so cruel. That whole event challenged me to try and convince the people there how wrong it was to use the same blades, the dangers of HIV and AIDS associated to sharing such items, the health problems associated to Female Genital Mutilation and for sure I was met with hostility but with time since it sank down in some people and they began to see the truth of the matter. Well, I got the contacts of those I found to be reasonable and I have continued to having communication with them, trying to educate them on these matters but the response is slow and I don’t think I will give up even if it takes my life time to have spread this word.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Obama by David Sedaris Essays

Obama by David Sedaris Essays Obama by David Sedaris Paper Obama by David Sedaris Paper The essay is a flashback from David Seeders time in France during the election in 2008 in the United States. Skin color. Our skin color is part of our appearance, but is it also a part of our personality? In America this question were discussed when Barack Obama was running for his presidential election in the year of 2008 2009. Many Europeans believed it was impossible to see a half-black candidate win the election in 2009, because they thought that any Americans would never vote for a black candidate. In David Seeders essay: Obama!!! , he explains, in a rather humorist way how prejudices can lead to huge misconceptions between different countries. The reader mostly hears about Seeders life in France. The essay focuses on the differences between European and American politics, when it comes to racism, race discrimination and sexual discrimination. One of the things David Seeders mentions is how much an American election all of a sudden becomes a world election. In the start of his essay, David Seeders describes how people he ivied among in Normandy did not take part of their national politics and local government affairs. However, when a black candidate is running for president in America, thousands of miles overseas, they wake up and are willing to be a part of the election even though they are not inhabitants. This can be interpreted as the importance American politics has in Europe. In this context the topping of the cake is when a black is leading the campaign for president in the ASSAI, which is host the famous Sucks Klan and also the Tea Party movement. This irony and sarcasm constitute the tone and style throughout he essay: Its not that I dont have opinions about these things; I just dont feel theyre in any way special. David Seeders uses a lot of humor, so that his message becomes more eatable for the reader. I does this to raise concerns about the topic in a humorist way, without it becoming frivolous. What allows him to talk about prejudices and racism is that he is a gay comedian, which is the ironic and humorist fact about David Seeders. This allows him to talk about these sensible subjects, because many in Europe and USA have prejudices towards gays and comedians. Seeders explains, which headlines here published in the French newspapers during the years before the election. Seeders writes: The farmer across the road from us, Robert Bob Greener was profiled in the late 1 sass. The Man who Truly Whispers to Horses, read the headline. The picture was Of him seeming to gossip into the ear of his Peppercorn, a dappled mare as solid as a dump truck. Then it takes a turn when people finds out that a black man is running for president. The story above is completely different from the stories during the American election in 2008-2009 it turns 180 degrees to a more global perspective. Seeders believes it is the skin color of Barack Obama which draws the attention and not his politic which makes the people of France interested in his campaign. During his time in Normandy Seeders describes how people approached him and told him that: Americans never would vote for a black candidate, because many in America are racists. This key point is, elaborated later in the essay. In this context, he also describes how his dad thought that people in France were hostile towards Americans and it was a dangerous place to for an American to be. By this, Seeders plants the thought in the adders mind that when a French individual thinks of a typical American, the individual bases his thoughts on a fictive stereotype. This also applies when an American thinks of a French or other Europeans. Seeders writes: I remember my dad calling after the Iraq war started and asking if I felt safe on the streets of Paris. He had the idea that Europeans, and specifically the French, had become openly hostile and were targeting Americans even throwing bottles at them. If that Was happening, I neither saw it nor read about it. In this passage, David Seeders tries to tell the reader that to judge n American or a European based on prejudices and stereotypes is wrong. This is seen clearly in the last sentence in the passage above, where he tells the reader that none of his dads prejudices is correct -and he is not experiencing any hostile behavior from the French people in the period during the Iraq war. Therefore, David Steadiers main allegation is that it is impossible to judge people without knowing them properly. In this context David Seeders is being rather objective because he criticizes both countries for having prejudices towards each other. This makes him very reliable because e has lived in both countries and experienced both cultures therefore it makes his allegations and conclusions reliable. Seeders moves on and tells the reader about his experiences with the European reporters during his travel through Europe in 2008-2009. David Seeders was surprised by the European attitude and he describes them as a people with many prejudices towards the American people. David Seeders says: The reporters in Greece, the ones in Australia and Amsterdam and Dublin, all of them assured me that the American people never would elect a black president. To this Seeders replies: Maybe, he said, but Ill bet you that half of America could elect a half-black president. By this Seeders means that around half of the American inhabitants are colored and therefore would be able to elect Obama. This consequently leads to David Seeders main point in the essay; David Seeders is surprised that many Europeans believe that inhabitants Americans would not vote for Barack Obama because of his skin color and not because of his politic program. The Americans are therefore accused of being more racists than the European countries. In this context, David Seeders wonders why France has a far-right political party, where the leader glorifies the Nazi-occupation of France during World War 2. This is an interesting point, because we often tends to forget how our own political system works when we compare it with other countries. In this case, the people that David Seeders talks with forgets all about how their own country works and looks in the eyes of none- inhabitants. They wanted Obama because he was black and because his politic was more like the European politic. The conclusion to the essay is that David Seeders explains how prejudices between different countries can lead to huge misconceptions between nations and how different political systems affect the minds of people in terms of judging other countries political system. Seeders also concludes that racism is still a part of our normal life; it has changed from the known Nazi-racism to a new form of racism. Throughout the essay David Seeders is being rather objective because he criticizes both countries for having prejudices towards each other. He does this in a humorist way, so that no one feels offended.

Monday, October 21, 2019

School Improvement

School Improvement Most societies in the modern world comprise of a variety of individuals. This is because they are made up of people who are from different cultures and background. As a result, these societies contain a rich heritage due to the interaction of the culture, traditions and beliefs of the people who are part and parcel of it. Normally, the main factor that constitute to the difference of the individuals who make up these societies is race.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on School Improvement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many societies in the modern civilization comprise of individuals who are from different races of the world. In America, for example, a community can be made up of Latinos, African Americans and individuals from the white community (Manasseh, 2010). This ratio complexity has its own advantages and disadvantages. The culture, background and traditions of these individuals play an important role in the de termination of the various factors of their lives. This includes their behaviour, beliefs, psychological status, cognitive development and intellectuality. With regards to these factors, it will therefore be true to state that racial differences, among other factors play a critical role in determining the academic performance of an individual (Murphy, 2009). Due to this fact, this essay shall on the effects of racial differences and achievement gap. Education has become an essential requirement in the modern world. This is due to the role it plays in determining and shaping the career of an individual. Education gives individuals the knowledge and skills that is required to perform given roles in a specific profession. As a result, individuals who are learned stand a better chance of having desirable careers as compared to individuals who are not learned or perform poorly in school. From studies that have been conducted, a strong correlation has been identified between the performan ce of a student and his ethnic background. Students from white families tend to perform better as compared to those from Latino and African American communities (Murphy, 2009). This difference can be attributed to a number of factors. This may include cultural differences, financial stability, cognitive development and so on. Due to the increased levels of poor performance, many governments have employed a number of strategies to improve the educational status of their countries. To achieve this, most schools have mainly concentrated on modifying their educational system.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This, for example, entails having favourable leadership that ensures that teachers conduct their roles as per the expected standards and that there is proper allocation of resources to all the departments. Other governments have modified their curriculum and education system in order to meet the current needs and requirements of the modern world. In other circumstances, schools have maintained teachers who exhibit high performance but have replaced those who were performing poorly. These are just but some of the strategies that schools have been employing over time to improve the performance of their students. However, in all these strategies, a critical aspect has always been left out in order to minimize the gap in the performance of students on racial lines. This is the role played by the community in the determination of the success or failure of any project. I feel that it is essential for the government and schools to consult and work together with the community in order to improve the performance of their students. With this strategy in place, it will be easier to understand the needs of a community. It also encourages parental participation. This makes them to feel as part and parcel of the project. As a result, the performance of students will be monitored both at home and in school. Teachers and parents will work together as a team to achieve a common goal. Once this strategy is integrated with other methods, the performance gap as a result of racial lines shall be reduced. References Manasseh, A.L. (2010) Vision and Leadership: Paying attention to intention. Peabody  Journal of Education, 63(1), 150-173. Murphy, J.T. (2009) The unheroic side of leadership: Notes from the swamp. Phi Delta  Kappan, 69, 654-659.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on School Improvement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Easy and Fun February Writing Prompts

Easy and Fun February Writing Prompts February can be a tough month for many students with very few if any days off. Many school districts across the nation do not take Presidents Day off. Following is a list of themes and writing prompts for each day of February. These can be used any way you see fit in your class. They are great as warm-ups or journal entries. February Holidays American Heart MonthBlack History MonthChildrens Dental Health MonthInternational Friendship MonthResponsible Pet Owners Month Writing Prompt Ideas for February February 1 - Theme: National Freedom DayOn this day in 1865, Abraham Lincoln signed the Amendment that would outlaw slavery once it was ratified. If slavery was outlawed with the 13th amendment, why were amendments 14 and 15 needed?February 2 - Theme: Groundhog DayAccording to weather data kept since 1887, the groundhog at Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania has only been accurate 39% of the time. Why do Americans still celebrate this day even though its accuracy is so low?February 3 - Theme: Elmos Birthday (Sesame Street Character)What was your favorite television program as a small child? Which characters do you remember most? Why?February 4 - Theme: Rosa Parks BirthdayPretend you were Rosa Parks in 1955. What would you have felt like as you decided not to give up your seat to a white man?February 5 - Theme: National Weatherpersons DayMeteorology is the study of the atmosphere, especially as it relates to the weather. Do you think that being a weatherperson would be a difficult job? Why or why not? February 6 - Theme: Monopoly First SoldWhat is your favorite board game? Explain why you like it.February 7 - Theme: Charles Dickens BirthdayIn the past, individuals who did not have the money to pay their bills were thrown in debtors prison, a theme which is key in many of Charles Dickens novels. Do you think that this is an appropriate punishment for not being able to pay off your bills? Why or why not?February 8 - Theme: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts (Officially Boy Scout Day)Were or are you a boy or girl scout? If so, what did you think of your experiences as a scout? If not, do you wish that you had participated in the scouts? Why or why not?February 9 - Theme: Chocolate (Founding of Hersheys Chocolate)Describe your favorite candy bar. You can choose to do this as prose or as poetry.February 10 - Theme: Chinese New YearIn the western calendar, a leap day happens every four years. However, in the Chinese calendar, a leap month happens about every three years. Come up with and explai n at least three issues that might arise if the west decided to use this calendar instead of the one that is currently use. February 11 - Theme: National Inventors DayHave you ever come up with an idea for an invention? If so, describe it. If not, what do you think is the best invention of the 20th century.February 12 - Theme: Abraham Lincolns BirthdayAbraham Lincoln said, Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. What do you think he meant by that quote? Do you think its true?February 13 - Theme: International Friendship MonthDo you have any friends that live in another country? If so, explain how you became friends. If not, if you were to become a penpal with someone from a foreign country, which country would you choose? Why?February 14 - Theme: Valentines DayWho do you care about the most? Why do you care for them so much? Explain.February 15 - Theme: Susan B. Anthonys BirthdayAt the time that womens suffrage passed, there were many women who argued against giving women the right to vote. Why do you think this was?February 16 - Theme: American Heart MonthWhat do you do to lead a healt hy lifestyle? What do you think you could improve on (e.g., eat better, exercise more, etc.)? February 17 - Theme: Random Acts of Kindness DayHave you ever performed a random act of kindness? If so, explain what you did and why. If not, come up with a random act that you can perform later today and explain your plan.February 18 - Theme: Pluto DiscoveredWould you ever consider going on a trip to the moon? Why or why not?February 19 - Theme: Phonograph was PatentedHow do you buy and listen to music today? How does this differ from the way your parents did it? In your opinion, how have these changes affected music and the music industry?February 20 - Theme: Responsible Pet Owners MonthDo you or does your family own a pet? If so what type of pet is it? What are the pros and cons of owning a pet?February 21 - Theme: Washington Monument DedicatedHave you ever been to Washington, D.C.? Why do you think that the nation has created monuments like the Washington Monument or the Jefferson Memorial? Do you think they are important symbols? Why or why not?February 22 - Theme: George Washi ngtons BirthdayThe story that George Washington could not lie when asked if he cut down a cherry tree is not true. It was written after his death. Explain why you think a biography might create a story like this when writing about someone famous who they admire. February 23 - Theme: Iwo Jima DayDo you think that you would like to join the military at some point in the future? Why or why not?February 24 - Theme: Andrew Johnsons ImpeachmentTwo presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. However, no president has actually been removed from office. It only takes a simple majority of the House of Representatives to be impeached (or basically found guilty of a crime). However, it takes 2/3 of the Senate to remove a president from office. Explain why you think the founding fathers made this so difficult?February 25 - Theme: Paper CurrencyWhat are the pros and cons of having paper currency instead of carrying around coins made of gold, silver, or some other precious metal?February 26 - Theme: Grand Canyon EstablishedWhy is it important for the national government to protect and manage natural treasures such as the Grand Canyon?February 27 - Theme: National Strawberry DayWhat is your favorite fruit? What do you like about it? If you do not like any fruit, explain why not. February 28 - Theme: Republican Party FoundedWhich political party do you think represents your views the most? Why do you think this is so?February 29 - Theme: Leap DayExplain how a person could logically claim that they have only had 8 birthdays when they are actually 32 years old.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bbc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Bbc - Essay Example In the UK, BBC is funded under the provision of the television Licence fee, which is collected from every household and institution using the broadcasting services. Operating almost entirely on public funding, the mission of BBC is to enhance the quality of life of the people in the UK and around the globe, by broadcasting informational programs, educating the audiences and amusing them. The corporation also holds a value to be the creative body in the world. The License fees in the UK is used to deliver services in 10 national television (TV) channels, various national radio stations, 40 local radio stations and a widespread network of news as well as informational websites. It is noteworthy that BBC is managed on the basis of certain specific and defined policies as well as rules created by the official bodies, to accomplish its pre-set mission (1BBC, 2013). When considering the values, ethos and pathos involved in the mission statement of the corporation, it can be observed that t he foundation of BBC is based on trust, honesty and its independent nature on the common public interests. The significance of BBC is to provide excellence and value for money to the people of UK. It is thereby devoted to openness and transparency, and provides disclosures regarding information to the public on regular basis emphasising its value of probity (1BBC, 2013). In the following discussion henceforth, the culture of BBC and the changes made since its establishment with regards to its managerial approaches have been addressed. Correspondingly, the history of BBC, its objective, its mission and its vision are also reflected in order to understand its significance in the world as an information channel. Brief History In the year 1922, BBC went live for the first time targeting the national audiences. The transmission of BBC created enormous interest among the people and reflected the newest scientific marvel of the age, pronouncing the initiation of the Digital era. John Reith was the first general manager of BBC. The establishment of BBC has been widely regarded as a milestone in the broadcasting history of the UK. By the year 1925, BBC covered a wide network in Briton with the aid of its newly expanding web of relay stations in the public interests. In 1932, BBC was reformed as a company and altered itself to be reputed as a public corporation. Subsequently it established a progressive broadcasting centre, the ‘Broadcasting House.’ BBC also provided the audiences with consistent TV services, which created a sensation throughout the world (2BBC, 2013). BBC had its competition with the independent television network functioning in the UK, named ITV. Nevertheless, aided by the government and operating in the public interests, BBC had its domination in the transmission of radio services with quality information. In 1960, the second BBC channel was added on the basis of its quality information and also with a vision of maintaining the standard of information for the audiences. Enormous broadcast events, such as live aids were to be conceived by BBC in the 1980’s to meet the expected challenges to be identified by the early 1990s, while the digital world was expanding and dominating the corporation thinking at an increasing pace. Subsequently, a greater degree of competition and expansion was faced by BBC, whereby the rising differentiation amid the few broadcasting media strategies ignited

Friday, October 18, 2019

To what extent is employee motivation for departmental support staff Essay

To what extent is employee motivation for departmental support staff employed by a (UK) local authority affected by workplace organisational change - Essay Example Various reasons for organizational and management change have come to light through studies. Change in an organization can be due to downsizing, redundancy, change of management through mergers and acquisition, change due to expansion, and most important due to the advancements in technology. UK has experienced problems in all types of organization. While there may be certain factors common to all, there are certain unique characteristics specific to the department or the organization. According to Worrall, Campbell & Cooper (1999) redundancy is the redundancy is the most evocative and fear inducing form of organizational change for many workers. A survey on organizational change in UK revealed that within one year there was dynamism, persistence and an increased pace of change. There was a visible increase in the number of people affected by restructuring. They also found that larger firms employing more than 500 people were more at risk of being affected by restructuring. They established that there were differences in restructuring over industrial sectors, with the public sector experiencing the highest restructuring. The effects of redundancy were consequently different also. Brockner et al., 1986; Kozlowski et al., 1993 emphasize that emotions synonymous with grieving such as shock, anger, denial, guilt and fear. These lead to decreased motivation, decreased trust in management and decreased levels of organization commitment even in subsequent jobs (cited by Worrall et al.,). These emotions and attitudes even affect the behavior of survivors. It makes them indecisive, they are averse to taking risks, and the workers are not willing to go ‘that extra mile’ (Thornhill et al., 1997; Smith and Vickers, 1994, cited by Worrall et al.,). Individuals become loyal to their own development than the organization (Reilly et al., cited by Worrall). Robinson and Rousseau (1994) also agree that redundancy leads

Is English Intellectual Property Law Incapable of Protecting Essay

Is English Intellectual Property Law Incapable of Protecting Internet's Growth - Essay Example Thus, the question arises that are the existing English Intellectual Property Right Laws adequate and capable of protecting the intellectual property on the Internet from the unlimited means of infringing ways intellectual property thieves can think of? The roots of English Law of Intellectual Property can be traced back to 1709 when Statute of Anne recognized the copyrights of artists, musicians, painters and writers in their respective creative and original works. Later on, the Bern Convention in 1886 obligated all its Member States to amend their local laws to give due consideration to the copyrights of their local authors as well as to respect and provide adequate protection to the copyrighted works of foreign authors. Similarly, the Rome Convention in 1980 recognized the industrial rights of the inventors, designers and trademark owners obligating its Member States to provide protection to novel inventions, designs and marks that have the ability to distinguish the goods and ser vice from another person’s goods and service. However, the Internet was created in 1989 and its potential to disseminate information from one person to another was revealed after a long time after its creation. The intellectual property law, thus, was unaware about the legal implications which will arise once the Internet will become a social necessity of every person around the world. Most importantly, the Internet has become the virtual platform for the businesses, entrepreneurs, individual inventors, and intellectual property stakeholders to sell their products and services online without the need for spending substantial amounts on the physical assets, expenditures and human resources. The Internet allows the musicians, authors and artists to publish their work online for the viewers and readers from around the world to admire and purchase the work without waiting for years to get the music CD or the hardcover book. Thus, Internet has categorically contributed to the succ ess and popularity of the intellectual property owners around the world. On the other hand, Internet has also been criticized to become the ultimate haven for the intellectual property thieves to establish their black practices like illegal downloading of music, peer-to-peer file sharing, counterfeiting of original books, illegal copying of copyrighted pictures, illegally entering into private online databases, copying of software program codes, creation of multiple domain names using popular business trademark, passing-off one’s intellectual property as one’s own, stealing the trade secrets by hacking one’s computer and illegally infringing upon the patented inventions of the inventor and the scientists. The existing English Law of Intellectual Property comprises of Patents Act of 1977, Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988, Trademarks Act of 1994 and Registered Designs Act of 1949 amended by Community Designs Regulation of 2001. These laws protect the cop yrights, designs, patents and trademarks from any use, copying, selling, importing and exporting, licensing and assigning. Moreover, the protection granted to trademarks, patents and designs is territorial in nature. Thus, if one country has granted a patent for an invention in one country, it does not guarantee similar protection in other countries too. Trade Related Intellectual Prop

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Multimedia campaign three page proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multimedia campaign three page proposal - Essay Example According to the silo it is recognizable of which sex they are, and that is the only characteristics of the character. Basic idea of marketing campaign is to ensure targeted group that Daisy and Low rides jeans are positioning them ina leading position, no matter what color, sex or religion they are. Campaign should be conducted through tv stations, radio, newspapers and magazines, billboards and local Internet portals. Beside that, it is necessary to run special promotional actions through places where targeted audience are gathering, such as Starbuck or Lugz shops. Special attention should be given to local Internet portals which are gaining popularity and where the advertising is relatively cheap but reaches huge number of targeted population. In development of media campaign for Wrangler jeans, two radio spots, one billboard, two tv commercial ads and two Internet banners shall be developed. It is essential to reach as many as possible people aging between 16 and 30 which are major consumer population for Daisy and Low ride jeans. For the television ads, in two commercials, invisible people will be shown wearing "Daisies" and "Low rides". Invisible group of man and woman shall be distinguished by the silhouettes and jeans model that they are wearing. When invisible man wearing jeans comes near the living person in commercial, invisible person suddenly transforms into the visible man, suggesting that wearing Daisies or Low rides will make consumer noticeable wherever he comes or appears. Project flow: Television: Developing two different 30 second commercials, broadcasting them 3 times a week for a trial period of 6 months 1. Ad development a)Actors, directors, video graphics 100.000,00 $ b)Storyboard development 50.000,00 $ c)Agency fee 50.000,00 $ TOTAL 200.000,00 $ 2. Air time national 30 second spot 40.000, $ x 3 times/week x 4 weeks x 6 months 40.000 x 3 x 4 x 6 = 2.880.000 $ per 6 months Television total (development + broadcasting)= 3.080.000,00 $ for trial period of 6 months Billboards: 1. Ad development 2.000,00 $ 2. Placing in 20 major US cities 200.000,00 $ TOTAL 202.000,00 $ Internet 1. Banner Development 1.000,00 $ 2. Positioning banners on major 20 local portals for 6 months 1.000 $ x 20 portals x 6 months= 120.000,00

Zara Company Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Zara Company Analysis - Essay Example This marketing report presents a set for recommendations for the fashion retailer, Zara. These recommendations are based on the analysis of external and internal environment. The analysis of the external environment relies on theories such as the PESTLE Analysis and Porter’s Value Chain Analysis. The analysis of the internal environment relies on the analysis of the company using Resource/ Capabilities Analysis and Value Chain Analysis. Zara is a fashion retailer owned and operated by the Spanish company, Indetix Group. This fashion retailer has introduced a different strategy within the fashion market that goes against the existing strategies of the fashion industry (Anon, nd.). Despite this, or rather on account of this, the company has managed to record profitable growth since its inception. However, in order to pursue further growth, it is necessary to analyze the current strategy. ANALYSIS OF EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT PESTEL Analysis PESTLE Analysis is a widely used analysis to understand the external environment of the company. It is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors that have an impact on the overall operations of the organization (Henry, 2008). Political Factors Since companies operate within a certain geographic boundary or boundaries, the government has an impact on the company. It impacts through the laws and restrictions placed on the companies. Since Zara operates mainly in Spain and the UK, which falls within the EU countries therefore the political landscape of this area should be understood. The EU is beneficial for the company as it has made the entire region work as a local market. This allows the company to get fair advantage in the entire EU market. Zara is also operating outside Spain and EU markets and in markets such as USA, Dubai and Singapore. In this regard, the company needs to ensure that such countries have friendly relations with the national base of the company which is Spain. Also such countries should have a politically stable government so that the company continues to enjoy friendly terms. Economic Factors In terms of the economic factors, companies all around the world have been seriously hit with the financial c risis that struck the entire world in 2009. This has hampered the buying power on the consumers and most

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Multimedia campaign three page proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multimedia campaign three page proposal - Essay Example According to the silo it is recognizable of which sex they are, and that is the only characteristics of the character. Basic idea of marketing campaign is to ensure targeted group that Daisy and Low rides jeans are positioning them ina leading position, no matter what color, sex or religion they are. Campaign should be conducted through tv stations, radio, newspapers and magazines, billboards and local Internet portals. Beside that, it is necessary to run special promotional actions through places where targeted audience are gathering, such as Starbuck or Lugz shops. Special attention should be given to local Internet portals which are gaining popularity and where the advertising is relatively cheap but reaches huge number of targeted population. In development of media campaign for Wrangler jeans, two radio spots, one billboard, two tv commercial ads and two Internet banners shall be developed. It is essential to reach as many as possible people aging between 16 and 30 which are major consumer population for Daisy and Low ride jeans. For the television ads, in two commercials, invisible people will be shown wearing "Daisies" and "Low rides". Invisible group of man and woman shall be distinguished by the silhouettes and jeans model that they are wearing. When invisible man wearing jeans comes near the living person in commercial, invisible person suddenly transforms into the visible man, suggesting that wearing Daisies or Low rides will make consumer noticeable wherever he comes or appears. Project flow: Television: Developing two different 30 second commercials, broadcasting them 3 times a week for a trial period of 6 months 1. Ad development a)Actors, directors, video graphics 100.000,00 $ b)Storyboard development 50.000,00 $ c)Agency fee 50.000,00 $ TOTAL 200.000,00 $ 2. Air time national 30 second spot 40.000, $ x 3 times/week x 4 weeks x 6 months 40.000 x 3 x 4 x 6 = 2.880.000 $ per 6 months Television total (development + broadcasting)= 3.080.000,00 $ for trial period of 6 months Billboards: 1. Ad development 2.000,00 $ 2. Placing in 20 major US cities 200.000,00 $ TOTAL 202.000,00 $ Internet 1. Banner Development 1.000,00 $ 2. Positioning banners on major 20 local portals for 6 months 1.000 $ x 20 portals x 6 months= 120.000,00

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Discussion Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Discussion - Dissertation Example More or less, the same preference patterns are noted among G8 students from both genders. In addition, the same pattern of preferences has been found for the overall sample. Academic achievement also comes into play, and has been emphasized by Nolting (2002) who said that it goes up when students are actually aware of what learning style suits them best, as well as by Bahar (2009) who further noted that achievers displayed the key traits of independence, competitiveness, competence and participation. Wallace, meanwhile, found that students benefited a lot more when they worked alone as compared to when they worked within a group – provided, of course, that these students actually knew how to work effectively on their own. Still another study by Yazicilar et al (2009) focused on 5th grade students in order to correlate academic achievement and retention based on whether or not they received varied educational intervention depending on their learning style preference. This study , in turn, found that said treatment would have a marked impact on academic achievement among students. ... tyle as part of cognitive style and stated that â€Å"learning style, as one aspect of cognitive style, refers to a person’s characteristic style of acquiring and using information in learning and /or solving problems† (p.145). The outcomes above suggest that the quad learning style is preferred by high achievers, whereas low achieving students are more inclined to use multi-learning styles. Research Question 2 Are their differences in reading achievement of students due to their learning style preference? To answer this question, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) analyses were carried out. This is to ascertain the influence of gender and each of the learning style types (VARK7G and multi-single) on the two dependent variables, RAAF and FT scores. The same procedure has also been carried out to determine the effect of grade level and learning styles category on reading achievement between males and females. Analyses of variance were carried out as a post hoc te st to MANOVA. To control for Type 1 error, the Least Significant Differences procedure was carried out. One finding from these is that there were significant differences for both gender and grade level on RAAF. No such differences were observed on VARK7G learning style categories in relation to the RAAF scores and FT scores. Moreover, there was a significant interaction between grade and gender on the reading achievement variables. A significant interaction between gender and learning styles VARK7G on the dependent variables. Moreover, the ANOVA outcomes indicate that there were significant gender differences on RAAF and FT scores. Moreover, there was a significant interaction effect between grade and gender on RAAF. Gender and learning style (VARK7G) likewise exerted a significant effect on RAAF. The

Moral absolutism Essay Example for Free

Moral absolutism Essay When we speak of â€Å"Morality† we think of the difference between right and wrong, the difference between the good and the evil. We use morality to justify our actions and decisions. More often than not, people impose their morality on others and expect them to act in the way they find fit. They believe that the idea of right and wrong is universal. In her essay â€Å"On Morality†, Didion contradicts this theory and believes that everyone can have different ideas of morality based on their own perception. To make her point, Didion uses the examples of Klaus Fuchs and Alfred Rosenberg. Fuchs was a British traitor who leaked nuclear secrets to the Soviets, and Rosenberg was the Nazi administrator of Eastern Europe, where the Germans committed their most heinous and most murderous acts during World War II. Both of them claimed that what they did were morally appropriate. She then goes on to say that Jesus justifies what he did based on morality. The juxtaposition of these ideas affirms Didion’s theory that the conviction of morality is vastly based on perspective. This juxtaposition also helps prove that people use morality to justify almost anything. Osama Bin Laden believed that it was morally right to take the lives of millions of innocent civilians in the name of religion. President Snow, along with the Capitol, in The Hunger Games saw it fit to throw 24 teenagers in a battlefield and let them fight until only one remains. Morality does not seem like a tool to distinguish right from wrong, but a method to have a clean conscious, irrespective of whether one’s acts are good or bad. Didion also says, â€Å"For better or for worse, we are what we learned as children. † (158) This shows that the ideas we have of good and bad and the so-called â€Å"morality† is part of what we’ve learnt growing up. A lot of people might find it pointless to stay with a corpse on a highway. But to Didion, it is the moral thing to do. We do not leave behind our dead. Friedrich Nietzsche said, â€Å"Fear is the mother of morality. † Didion maintains that morality might differ from person to person. In my opinion, a lot of factors influence the decisions we make and then blame them on morality. â€Å"The right thing† is too abstract to be universal. Didion debates about the cannibalism acts and talks about the vestigial taboo that no one should eat their own blood kin. This might seem appalling to some while being a being of another’s culture. Didion says that morality has â€Å"the most potentially mendacious meaning. † (159) And I couldn’t agree more. There is a very thin line between right and wrong, and morality is what shows one where to draw it. But the basis of that line is so ambiguous, that people end up using morality to cover up their actions. The idea Didion presents is that humans are not equipped to distinguish between the good and the bad. We think that all actions are sound as long as they don’t hurt another person. But then we see people like Adolf Hitler. The man murdered millions of people. Yet, he had a bunch of supporters who helped him with these inhumane acts. But he did what he did in the name of morality, in the name of ‘respect for the greater race. ’ The central idea of this essay is that morality depends largely on perception. What one finds wrong may not necessarily be seen as inappropriate by another. â€Å"I followed my own conscience. † â€Å"I did what I thought was right. † Didion questions the reader how many madmen have said this and meant it? Didion doesn’t believe that these men shelter themselves under the illusion of morality but actually believe their actions are moral and justified. Maybe we ourselves have said it before and been wrong. Our conscience isn’t always the best judge of things. But the concept of morality makes it okay to just be impulsive and do what we think is correct in the moment. The relevance of our logic lacks frequency. One might not kill people on a daily basis but one might find it moral to do it someday and go ahead with it. Does this make them immoral? Is the act of killing immoral? What if the victim is a killer? The answers to questions relating to morality are not black or white. There could be various different instances where individuals might have different stands on issues. All of which they might believe to be morally correct. So the question is, who decides what is moral and what is not? What gives them the power to do so? Should the morality of one person be forced on another? Clearly, universal standards of right and wrong do not exist. The evidence Didion provided as well as instances we see around the world proves that fact. A lot of people do not agree with Didion’s idea of differing morality. The people who adhere themselves to a supposedly universal moral code can delude themselves into thinking people who do not follow that code are less humane. People need to stop fretting over moral absolutes and let morality run their life and effect every decision they make in order to ensure the future is safe from oppression and terrorism.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Economic Analysis of Australia

Economic Analysis of Australia Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction Analyzing Performance of Production Output Performance Trends Measures taken by Government to achieve Economic Performance Labor Market Analysis Unemployment Measure taken by Government to achieve full employment Price Level Analysis Inflation Trend Causes of Inflation Government measures for achievement of Stability in Price Conclusion References Introduction Australian economy has been encountering growth which generally emphasizes on low level from claiming unemployment, holding inflation, and low debt obligation for open and a stable solid monetary framework. For quite a while that is around 2012, Australia has been encountering nonstop monetary development for quite some time calculated as 2 decades which is reportedly increasing with 3.5 percent per year. Various assets and energy demand needs has been increasing with a rapid pace from the developing from Asia and China by working on a practical idea of creating a channel that easily carries on with the purpose of investing interest in the resources and at the same time growing them within the commodity. In this essay, monetary execution also known as economic performance of Australia will analysed and various studies will be carried out to get a deeper knowledge of it. Analyzing Performance of Production Output It has been quite a while during 2013, when the Gross Domestic Product of Australia was reported to be a whooping US $ 1560.60 billion. The quality from claiming Gross Domestic Product over Australia has been known to represent 2.52 % share within the worldwide economy. A normal expansion of about US $ 348 billion was reported in the year i.e. 2004 but it reached an astounding level of $ 1560. 60 in earlier years. Concerned illustrations marked a low reach of US $ 18. 60 billion (Zambrano, 2008). Regardless of the monetary tightness and strictness inside the economy, there is degree to the Gross Domestic Product with raise in additional concerns dealing with an idea of raise in economy with the raise in mineral reserves and its exports. (Fig 1: GDP of Australia 2004- 2013) (Source: Office for National Statistics, 2014) Performance Trends Those economy about Australia need been recognized similarly as a standout amongst the greatest capital economy crosswise over the globe. It need been computed that the Gross Domestic Product for Australia for quite a while in 2013 arrived dependently upon US $ 1. 5 trillion. Those downright riches of Australia need been computed toward US$ 6. 4 trillion. In the quite a while i.e. around 2012, its been distinguished concerning twelfth greatest national economy crosswise over those globe Toward the count about nominal amount of Gross Domestic Product. It may be additionally positioned at seventh rank toward the proper estimation for Gross Domestic Product following settling on alterations clinched alongside PPP. This need been computed similarly as 1. 7 % of the worldwide economy Australia is coming under the mark of rank nineteenth constantly the biggest exporter furthermore shipping over the globe (BBC News, 2014). Those administration segment from claiming Australia dominates the w hole economy of Australia that comprises of 68 percentage of the whole Gross Domestic Product. Those stock trade about Australia that is in Sydney need been positioned toward nine rank crosswise over the globe for admiration to promotion for market. (Fig 2: Australian Exports in the year 2006 across the globe) (Source: Office for National Statistics, 2014) Measures taken by Government to achieve Economic Performance In place to guarantee that economy of Australia sits tight great crosswise over those worldwide economy, legislature need to be been a number for activities to incitement about financial development same time providing for sufficient level for help of the worth of effort surroundings too (Zambrano, 2008). Those administration need presently been keeping tabs upon authorities should work greatly for making previous ventures work furthermore divisions about science and various engineering organization should exist on the check list to furthermore enhance the region in order to make smoother moving towards advancement by performing various tasks and doing certain researches. Labor Market Analysis The background about Australia has been known to remain developing during an unfaltering position for quite a while around the year 2003. The rate from claiming unemployment has been known to setting off by the rate of 6 percent and is continuing to slow down till the present time. (BBC News, 2014). The patterns clinched alongside unemployment from claiming specific states alternately locales might not influence the experience of Labour market crosswise over the whole range about Australia. Sydney should bring more level rate for unemployment in examination for different zones or locales. However, despite the fact that those rate for unemployment need been low Since the time that the end about money related crisis, those unemployment rate for different created nations need aid still easier. This states that there is at present extent for Australia to enhance this rate. Unemployment Unemployment will be a state during which people who need aid eager to worth of effort come up short to search for proper occupations. This may greatly prove to be an unfriendly condition that not only have enormous effect on the lifestyle for people yet it proves to be a hazard on the whole economy also. Clinched alongside attention with those sorts from claiming unemployment, it has been seen that the most of the Australian population dives through issues claiming cyclical unemployment (Rogers, 2013). This hazardous process usually takes place when the whole economy may be at a level of decrement. It may also be caused when there is a decline in the demand of nominal goods that prove to be bringing an increment in the economy. Australia is known to be suffering from confronting issues as big as structural unemployment. Measure taken by Government to achieve full employment For admiration to the issue from claiming unemployment, the legislature of Australia need o produce a frictional arrangement working towards good of the citizens (Bremner, 2007). This specific approach should focus with reducing activities that basically causes diminishment of societies. It can be done by claiming strict qualities for connection with points of interest instead of complaining about unemployment. A centralised data of skilled people and various companies should be made to enhance the job and employment process. This particular idea usage has been proving fruitful to labourers and workers that need aid while searching for occupations to an animated. Price Level Analysis Inflation Trend Those rate of inflation for the year2014 in the second quarter has been computed toward 3 percentage (BBC News, 2014). In the case of Australia, those rate of inflation contributes in the assessment of a fact that the climb in the price of a commodity that has to be beard and paid by a normal purchaser. Products like tobacco and alcohol have seen a price rise in some of the considerable years that have passed. (Fig 3: Inflation Trends in Australia) (Source: Office for National Statistics, 2014) Causes of Inflation The principle foundation behind sudden rise in inflation is because of sudden cost increment in raw petroleum that in the end prompts a value rise in vitality charges and foreign merchandise (Bremner, 2007). Other reasons that had been recognized are basically concerned with expanded costs for import, expansion in the rate of backhanded taxes, and increasing rate of labour toward government Government measures for achievement of Stability in Price There comes a point when there is an event of negative pattern inside inflation, there would possibilities that there will a chance to be a decrease in the trade rates. This is on account of the brokers will start those deal of cash that will prompt a diminishing scenario in the exchange rates. This is the reason why legislature of Australia initiates drifting trade rates that serves for reversing once again the real level from claiming interest. Conclusion The economy of Australia has been experiencing regular growth and featuring low level of unemployment, containing inflation, very low debt of public and a stable and strong financial system. The economy of Australia has been identified as one of the biggest capital economy across the globe. It has been calculated that the GDP of Australia for the year 2013 has reached up to US $ 1.5 trillion. In consideration with the types of unemployment, it has been seen that the Australian population mostly goes through issues of cyclical unemployment. With respect to the issue of unemployment, the government of Australia has generated a frictional policy. References BBC News. (2014). Korean economy growing at fastest rate since 2007. BBC South Korea. Bremner, C. (2007). Top 150 city destinations: South Korea leads the way. Euromonitor International. Office for National Statistics. (2014). Gross Domestic Product: Preliminary Estimate, Q1 2014. Rogers, S. (2013). Deficit, national debt and government borrowing how has it changed since 1946?. The Guardian. Zambrano, J. (2008). World's Most Economically Powerful Cities. Forbes.      Economic Analysis of Australia Economic Analysis of Australia Australia has had a good track record of prudent fiscal policy, strong macroeconomic management and performance, and good financial regulation over the years but most importantly all through the global economic crisis. In fact compared to other OECD countries it’s weathered the current crisis extraordinarily well. In 2012 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Australia accounted for 2.45% of the world economy at 1520.60 billion US dollars. Since 2008 its economy has grown by 14.3%. If we take a look at Australia’s GDP per capita, the biggest rally is in 2009 if you measure it in US dollars. Where growth since 2007 is 42% compared to 24% using nominal Australian dollars. If we take inflation into account and look at Real GDP, which is a more realistic view as it’s used to define the standard of living; Australia has increased by 5% since 2007. Relative to the UKs decline by 6% during the same period, this is an outstanding result. Growth of Australia GDP per capita (2007=100)    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Real (A$) 97.4 100.0 100.5 110.1 101.3 102.2 104.1 105.4 Nominal (A$) 93.3 100.0 107.1 107.0 114.0 119.6 121.1 124.4 Nominal (US$) 83.3 100.0 108.8 101.0 125.0 147.2 149.6 142.6 Data source: IMF Australia’s economy is dominated by its services sector, yet its economic success is based on its abundance of agricultural and mineral resources. Mining, including oil and gas, accounts for 60% of Australia’s exports and over 10% of its Gross Domestic Product. Source: Australian Government, Dept. of foreign affairs Australia’s close proximity to China and its strong demand for commodities has also helped with the mining sectors rapid growth in the last 10 years. The expansion in the mining sector has had a knock on effect to other related sectors which have grown rapidly on the back of it mining equipment, technology and services (METS), education exports, construction and financial services. Australia’s terms of trade rose to an historic high in to 2011 mainly due to high global prices for its exports such as Iron ore and coal. Australia acknowledges and it’s been well documented that the mining boom is over its peak and mining related investment is expected to fall dramatically. Therefore, Australia is building a sophisticated services export, converting its natural advantages in mining and agriculture into a wider knowledge-based, diversified and service-oriented economy. Although some sectors unrelated to mining have struggled with Australia’s strong exchange rate, unemployment, albeit edging higher , remains at a low level, inflation is within targets and public debt is low relative to other OECD countries. Over the medium term the biggest external risk to the Australian economy is a slowdown in growth in China and a related fall in commodity prices. As outlined in the table below over 50% of its exports were shipped to China, Japan and Korea in 2012-2013, if demand from these markets were to fall dramatically it could be detrimental to the Australian economy. Australias main export destinations 2012-13 (e) (f) 1 China 31.60% 2 Japan 18.80% 3 Republic of Korea 7.70% 4 India 4.60% 5 United States 3.60% Source: Australian Government, Dept. of foreign affairs Between 2008 and 2013 the Australian government took a number of steps to boost trade and investment, among these they reduced taxes on imports and simplified the screening process for foreign direct investment. Because of these alterations to policy Australia is 4th in OECD for ease of trade and investment flows, behind only the Netherlands, Poland and Belgium. As pointed out by Brian Aitken, IMF Mission Chief to Australia- â€Å"Australia’s flexible exchange rate provides a buffer against shocks and the authorities have both monetary and fiscal policy space to react if the outlook deteriorates â€Å" (Australia on Path to Broader-based Growth, IMF Survey, February 12, 2014). The government aims to reach a fiscal surplus over the medium term and have put strategies in place to do so. Which will put them in a position to take the necessary steps; they believe, to counter act damage to their economy. As noted above, Australia has a flexible exchange rate which means that the Reserve Bank (RBA) is able to react to shocks in the market by altering its independent monetary policy. As outlined in the graph below its exchange rate main trend has been growth since 2008/2009 with a slight decline in value recently. This strong exchange rate has boosted household income because of cheaper imports however it has had an adverse effect on the international competitiveness of manufacturing firms – particularly the car sector, education and tourism sectors. All that said, as outlined in the OECD Economic Survey 2012; â€Å"The Stronger exchange rates together with capital-goods investment have increased imports and thus widened the current account deficit.† In the IMFs Article IV the economists are noted to believe that â€Å"despite some recent depreciation , Australia’s exchange rate is still moderately overvalued and is weighing down non-mining activity. â€Å" Unlike most OECD countries the Australian Banking Sector has continued to perform well, has kept pre crisis profits through 2008 to date, and continued to be rated favourably by international rating agencies, current rating AAA. Their exposure to the stressed banking sector in Euro zone is low and the Australian governments’ priority is to help preserve the banking sector as this will aid them in accessing international capital markets with relative ease. In February 2012 the government implemented a deposit guarantee scheme for all bank deposits up to 250,000 AUS dollars which will fully protect 99% of deposits in any Australian bank. Over the last 12 months Australia has seen an upsurge in the housing markets, mainly concentrated in the major cities where house prices rose by 10%,the highest yearly growth in four years. This in turn has led to an upsurge in the construction sector, which had previously been weak. However, it is not envisaged that construction of new homes will meet demand which could attribute further to house price acceleration. Household credit has remained moderate; however, Australian government and banks need to learn from its peer’s mistakes in OECD and guard against the effect a sudden drop in house price which could mean a reduction in consumer confidence and an impact on economic activity. Some point to Australia’s tax system as a major contributor to the house price surge, record low interest rates are being paid on savings and very attractive tax concessions being offered to property investors such as negative gearing and capital gains discount. However high taxes and charges on new homes, a difficult planning process and the urban consolidation policies are driving costs higher, which in turn is helping to further inflate house prices. That said, despite growth in the housing market being largest since 2009, there had been a decline in housing prices in 2011 2012 totaling 4.2% similar to the decline in 2008, so an increase was expected by most .The labour market is also effecting house prices with unempolyemnt rising and people moving mainly to the cities to get empolyment, a factor which is attributing to both house price and rental market increases. Another contributing factor is Australias population growth and immgration. In 2009 the popluation grew by 2%, over half of this was net migration alone. On the back of demand for new homes economists expect an increase in the construction sector in 2014 to help boost economic growth. Already Australia has seen an increase in the approval of residential homes, January alone seen an increase of almost 7%, which puts the annual growth rate at 34.6%. Australia’s unemployment rate climbed to a 10 year high in January 2014 6%, a 2% increase since 2008 that said it is low compared to other OECD countries which are still feeling the effects of the Global Financial Crisis. In the recent IMF Article IV report WA Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief economist John Nicolau said of these figures that the states economy remains buoyant despite the jump in unemployment. Weve got employment growth of around 16,500 new full-time jobs in this last month alone, coupled with 9,000 the month prior, he said. â€Å"That’s the strongest two-month period of employment growth in this state for six years (, 13th March 2014). Unemployment Rate 2008 – 2014 Unemployment Rate versus other Economies This year already new jobs have been generated and filled, approx. 50,000 in February, but the unemployment rate of 6% remains static as there was a 0.2% rise in the proportion of people in work or looking for it the participation rate now stands at 64.8%. February 2014 marked the 15th consecutive month where unemployment grew less than the size of the labour force. The inflation rate in Australia has remained relatively low in recent years (table below), down from 4.4% in 2008. This is consistent with the central bank’s objective of an average inflation rate of between 2% and 3% a year. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) expects that inflation will stay at or below this until at least mid-2015, with wage growth forecast to remain contained. Historical Inflation Rates (2008 – 2014) Year mar Jun sep dec Ann 2013 2.5% 2.4% 2.2% 2.7% 2.5% 2012 1.6% 1.2% 2% 2.2% 1.7% 2011 3.3% 3.5% 3.4% 3% 3.3% 2010 2.9% 3.1% 2.9% 2.8% 2.9% 2009 2.4% 1.4% 1.2% 2.1% 1.7% 2008 4.3% 4.4% 5% 3.7% 4.4% Last year, 2013, Australias inflation rate moderate to around 2.2% 2.5%, and has been broadly stable since, reflecting ongoing strength in the Australian dollar, broad-based competitive pressures within the domestic economy and subdued growth in costs. The absence of high inflationary pressures is another aid so the government can alter monetary policy as and when it needs to in order to help guard the economy against risks. The Australian cash rate fell from 7% in 2008 in response to the Global Economic Crisis; the Reserve Bank of Australia cut interest rates by 4% between September 2008 and February 2009 in response to the slowdown of their economy – an effect of the Global Financial Crisis. RBA cut interest rates again in 2012 in response a worsening outlook to the global economy and signs of their own weakening labour market. The cash rate now stands at 2.50%, the lowest on record. However, this is expected to edge higher this year as growth is expected to strengthen helped by the low interest rates and inflation is expected to stay within target of 2%-3%. In the long run an increase in interest rates could help the spiraling house prices in the major cities come back to more realistic valuations. A new government was voted into Australia in September 2013 and they are preparing for their first budget in May. The budget deficit for 2012 – 2013 was 2.6% of GDP an increase from 1.3% in 2008- 2009. Top of the new government’s agenda is to tackle public debt, and they are being very vocal in pointing the finger of blame at their predecessors. Of the 17 top surveyed IMF countries, Labour left us with the fastest growth in spending of anyone in the world and they left us with the third highest growth in debt of anyone in the top 17,( Mr Hockey, Treasurer,,13th March 2014) Their aim is to return their budget to surplus and maintain a budget surplus going forward; to do this a huge cut in spending will be needed. As highlighted in the IMFs article IV; â€Å"If tax revenue is held at its average level over the last decade, the resulting budget deficit in 2023/24 would reach 2 percent of GDP. Reaching the government’s budget surplus target would thus require cutting spending by around 3 percent of GDP, either by reducing net non-social spending or by putting in place policy measures to contain increases in social spending†( IMF Article IV, 2014) Consumer confidence has been low, Consumer spending was held back in 2013 because of uncertainty around the government election in that September, high household debt, and uncertainty in the economy. In the year to June 2013 retail sales growth rates were at their lowest rate in 51 years, rising just 2.5% from the previous year. Because of this consumers have increased their saving rates since 2007 and reduced their demand for loans. Although household debt is high, Australian households seem to be able to meet this debt with only 1% non-preforming house loans and 50% of owner occupiers repaying ahead of their mortgage schedule. Compared to other OECD countries tax to GDP in Australia is low. Since 1965 Australia has ranked in the bottom third of OECD countries and in 2010 it ranked fifth lowest over all. Tax-to-GDP ratio for OECD countries, 2010 Source: OECD Revenue Statistics, 2012. Of the OECD countries Australia also has the third lowest level of taxation on personal income which includes social security taxes and taxes on payroll. Tax revenue (% of GDP) in Australia Source: In 2008 tax revenues were steady at approx. 24% however as a result of the Global Economic crisis tax to GDP fell to approx. 20% in 2010 – 2011 since then total taxes have recovered one third of the lose but are still not back at 2008 level. Australia’s tax components are very similar to other OECD countries but with one major difference, Australia is one of two countries in OECD which do not levy social security taxes. Conclusion: Over all the Australian economy has performed very well since 2008, mainly because of its mining sector and related industries. The big challenge ahead is whether and how quickly it can adapt to mining construction falling. Home building and mining exports could help boost the economy and drive economic growth in the medium term. Now that the election is over and there is renewed demand for housing could be indicators of a boost consumer confidence and help the consumer start to spend again. If interest rates remain low this will help stimulate discretionary consumer spending and dwelling construction. Unemployment is still low at 6% compared to Australia’s OECD peers and new jobs are being generated, aided by a rise in demand for new housing. The main internal risk to the Australian economy is that the new government may be too aggressive in reducing government spending in their aim for budget surplus however this effect could be lessened by a further cut in interest rates. The main external risk to the economy as outlined already is Australia’s reliance on the Chinese market and commodity prices. Chinas growth rate is currently at approx. 7%, their government are implanting fiscal stimulus which should boost economic growth which will have a positive effect on the Australian economy as there will be continued demand for commodities to be exported to China. This may also affect the demand for housing in Australia as Chinese investors buy to rent, thus boosting the employment sector. The Australian banking sector is strong and both domestic and international markets have fate in it, it is one of only eight sovereigns globally to be rated AAA with a stable outlook by all the major credit rating agencies. This is a huge endorsement on the Australian Economy. If any shocks were to apply to the Australian Economy, its government are one of few globally that have the fiscal and monetary policy that will enable them to adapt very quickly. Australia’s economic performance to date has been the result of good structural reforms, demand for commodities and sound macroeconomic policies, hence the IMF forecasting â€Å"annual average GDP growth for Australia of 3.1% between 2013 and 2018 – the highest growth forecast among major advanced economies† (IMF, World Economic Outlook, April 2013). Bibliography IMF, Article IV Australia, 2013 OECD, Ecomonic Outlook Australia, 2012 Reserve Bank Australia

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Internet technology boost china in next 10 years :: essays research papers

INTERNET TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT BOOST CHINA FURTHER A perspective look at the country ¡Ã‚ ¦s transition in next decade relative to internet technology Bo Li, School of Technology & Management Submit to: Mr. Paul Reynolds INTRODUCTION Since 1980 China ¡Ã‚ ¦s economy has grown by more than 9 percent a year. The country now manufactures 75 percent of the world ¡Ã‚ ¦s toys, 58 percent of the cloths, and 29 percent of the mobile phones. More than $1 billion in foreign direct investment arrives each week. By 2008 China will be the world ¡Ã‚ ¦s third largest exporter, and by the decade ¡Ã‚ ¦s end its economy will be larger than that of either France or United Kingdom (Emmanuel, et al., 2004). China ¡Ã‚ ¦s GDP in 2004 growth by 9.5 percent to  ¢G851,072 million and IT(information technology) ¡Ã‚ ¦s contributions account for 25 percent. It is predicted that the IT market will growth by 15.8 percent every year to 2009. Economists are curious to know how long will China ¡Ã‚ ¦s strong economy be. When the advantage of low labor costs in China will subside in the future, what will support its fast growing economy? According to China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) ¡Ã‚ ¦s 2005 report, 94 million internet user and half of them are using broadband connection. China now has 4 internet-based companies listed in NASDAQ. As they reported profit since the SMS business introduced in 2002, many economists think there will be an internet technology boom in China again. IT industries in developed countries now are facing both challenge and opportunity since many mergers and acquisition happened in west countries from Chinese maker. That what will happen in China on internet technology in the next 10 years will affect every international business around the world. This study begins with the analysis of upcoming internet technology ¡Xexamining the effect of future internet technology and China ¡Ã‚ ¦s policy  ¡Xand then move on the analysis of the impact of internet technology on China ¡Ã‚ ¦s industries in next decade as well as its future contribution to the country ¡Ã‚ ¦s stellar growth. Internet Era Just Begin Internet will change more dramatically in the next decade than it has during its entire history. We have just seen the beginning of what the Internet can do for use as a revolution in communications and the way business is done (Gates, 2000). Internet application had moved from transaction phase to platform phase at the beginning of this decade. There are some trends will be prevailed. ƒÞ  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wireless connection on multi-device Wireless connection between different devices at high speed is probably the key component that is really going to take the scenarios of empowerment that we have always believed in and make them a reality.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Brand Name Versus Generics Essay -- Health, FDA

The Food and Drug Administration’s approval process initiates with preclinical development that demonstrates that the product is reasonably safe for use in humans and that it shows â€Å"pharmacological activity† that warrants further clinical research. (FDA, 2010) Rodents, swine, and canines are commonly used to validate safety and effectiveness in laboratory studies due to their similar anatomy to that of humans. (Sivaramakrishan, 2010) The next step in the process is the submission of an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) to the FDA for several reasons. (FDA, 2010) Present federal law mandates that a drug be part of an endorsed marketing application ahead of transportation and distribution to clinical research sites across state lines. (FDA, 2010) Manufacturers are also required to halt clinical studies for thirty consecutive days for the FDA to review the application and make assurances that there are no unnecessary risks. (FDA, 2010) There are three differe nt types of INDs; which are investigator, emergency and treatment. (FDA, 2010) An investigator IND is often â€Å"submitted† by a clinician that both commences and performs clinical studies on an unendorsed drug or an approved drug for a new purpose or different circumstances. (FDA, 2010) An emergency investigational new drug application is for the purpose of clinical using an experimental drug in an urgent situation, such as cancer, that does not allow time for thorough FDA review. (FDA, 2010) The third type is a treatment investigational drug application; its purpose is for the submission of experimental drugs that have potential in previous clinical assessment for severe life –threatening situations. (FDA, 2010) An investigational new drug application is required to con... ...DA, branded drugs and their pharmaceutical equivalents have met thorough criterion for identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency which includes commercial production. (FDA, nd) Current Good Marketing Practice (CGMP) regulations dictate minimal requirements for facility methods and controls used in the manufacture, processing, and packaging of the drug product. (FDA, 2011) The purpose of these regulations is to ensure safety, maintain the integrity of the ingredients at the claimed strength, and preserve honesty with regards to labeling. (FDA, 2011 & Siedman, 2000) Regulations were initially ratified in 1963 continually revised due to accidents, injuries, fatalities, and technological advancements. (Siedman, 2000) Verification of compliance is down by unannounced inspections of facilities, sample analyses, and examination of preceding history. (FDA, 2011)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Offer and Acceptance

For a Simple contract to be valid one party must make an offer and the other accept it (see: Acceptance of offer). The offer will usually indicate the form the acceptance should take (e. g. , in writing, by post), and may indicate when the acceptance will be deemed to have occurred (e. g. , on delivery of the posted acceptance, see: Acceptance of offer by post). In seeking to prove that a contract was in existence, it will be necessary to show that there was a definite offer. Certain things look like offers, but aren't always what they seem. Here are some examples. Invitations to treat are not offers (see: Invitation to treat). For example, putting an item on display in a shop window with a price label is not an offer, it is merely an invitation to treat. Pre-contractual negotiations, particularly in Conveyancing, may have the appearance of offers, but it will be necessary to satisfy the courts that a real offer has been made. Tenders (see: Tender) are not offers unless they are construed as a Unilateral contract. An offer can be withdrawn (revoked) at any time up to acceptance, provided it is communicated appropriately to the offeree. There are a few of complications with this. Placing a notice of the withdrawal in the post does not constitute the withdrawal; it has to be received and understood by the offeree (see: Byrne vvan tienhov en (1880)). If the offer forms the basis for a unilateral contract, it can be difficult to revoke. Typically the offerer must take reasonable steps to revoke the offer in the same form as it was originally made. For example, if the offer was made in a newspaper, then it should probably be revoked the same way. Moreover, it is particularly problematic if a unilateral offer is revoked before full completion of the act that constitutes the acceptance. In Carlill v Carbolic, for example (see: Carlill v carbolic smoke ball co (1893)), Mrs Carlill was able to demonstrate that she had completed the acceptance, so Carbolic could not have escaped its obligations be revoking the offer. However, suppose Mrs Carlill had started using the Smoke Ball, and written to Carbolic expressing her wish to claim the compensation if it failed. If Carbolic had withdrawn the offer at that time, could the agreement be enforced? There is no clear ruling on this; the decision in Errington v Errington sees to imply that once the acceptors consideration is executory (that is, Mrs Carlill has begun using the Smoke Ball), then the offer cannot be revoked (see: Errington v errington (1951)). There are, however, some cases with the opposite conclusion. An offer may be self-terminating if the terms of the offer include, for example, a time limit for acceptance. If no time limit is given, an offer may be deemed by the courts to have expired after a ‘reasonable time'. This will be the case even if the offerers have not explicitly revoked the offer. The death of either the offerer or offeree, prior to acceptance, probably constitutes a revocation of the offer.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Drama Exploration †Response Essay

For the response phase of our drama exploration unit, we used two different explorative strategies in order to investigate our characters and help us to be able to define them better and also to allow us to be able to really become the character instead of imitating what we think the character is like. The two explorative strategies we use were called, â€Å"The Watering Hole† and â€Å"Marking the Moment†. The character that I play the part of is called Reg from the play â€Å"Table Manners† by Alan Ayckbourne. He is a realtor and is married to Sarah; they have two children and have what may be called a turbulent relationship. The Watering Hole The first explorative strategy which we covered was called â€Å"The Watering Hole†. During this exercise we were to think of what our character would be like as an animal. We were then to think of what it would be like as a group of this animal, much like flock of geese or a pride of lions. Once we had done this we had to think of a name for our group of animals. Then we had to act out what this group of our character would do at a watering hole and how they would react to other character/animals. In addition to this we had to think of a sound that our animal would make and emulate it. Finally we had to show also how our character would bathe and wash himself once at the watering hole. I was placed in a group with four other people who also played the character of Reg. First we decided that the creature that Reg could be most closely associated with is a sloth. His general disinterest in others and their business is reflected in this. We also felt that a major aspect of his character was that he becomes very engrossed in seemingly irrelevant things, such as when he ignores tom when he is talking about Annie and focuses upon the stale biscuits. This helps to show also that he is interested in feeding himself and in food in general. The only quality of his which did not match the sloth was his very short attention span. So eventually we decided to have a creature that was very slow and disinterested in other creatures, but still one that took passion in food and small items. For the name of our ‘group’ we decided to call it a mob due to the fact that mobs are very disjointed and disorganised and each person is an individual and yet they are still moving in a group. This is appropriate because Reg is not an organised person and he would not work well as a group as he is more of an independent creature. For the voice of our creature we came to the decision that his ‘voice’ would need to resemble that of his actual voice; droning and extremely boring as every other character finds him, he would drink from the pool while very engrossed in the water and would splash around in it and be very amused by it, showing some of his immature side. When faced with the task of acting out what our character would do if he were to wash himself, we chose to just flop onto the mattress (our watering hole) and splash the water and just lie in it as her is not interested in washing himself but in playing in the watering hole. We decided to have different reactions to each character. Name Of Character How we would act? Why we would act this way? Norman Be very calm, even friendly, offering a place at the watering hole. Reg likes Norman, in opposition of all the others who all hate him with the exception of Annie and I think Reg finds him extremely amusing. Ruth Be quite disinterested but also quite friendly. Disinterested because they are siblings and lived together for most of their life and friendly as they have a common enemy in Sarah. Annie Treat her like a loving child and keep her safe from others. Reg would do this because he thinks of Annie as his sweet younger sister and likes to take care of her. Tom Reg treats Tom like a friend. He thinks that he is suitable for Annie. Sarah Be very hostile. This is because he hates Sarah and there is no actual love between them. They are only together because of their children. Marking the Moment The second explorative strategy which we used in order to explore our characters was marking the moment. ‘Marking the moment’ is when a moment in a scene of particular significance is emphasised in some way, this may be by freezing the scene or by using thoughts spoken out loud. Since ‘Table Manners’ is a naturalistic play these methods cannot be used and other methods have to be used. The moment we chose to mark was the point in the play at which it is just Reg and Tom alone together in the dining room. Tom is talking about how he thinks that Annie wanted him to take her on a weekend holiday with him and Reg is talking about golf and his childhood days at which point Tom realises he has missed out on a weekend of pleasure with Annie. This moment is significant because it clearly shows Toms realisation and ignorance and Reg’s disinterest in others’ matters, giving us a clear insight into both characters. We marked this moment by using Tom’s facial expressions to show what he was thinking during Reg’s ignorant speech about aeroplanes. This helped me to understand Reg much better because it showed me that he is a very shallow person and only cares about a few things in life; food, golf and his own personal satisfaction. In conclusion I think that these strategies helped me to better understand my character due to the fact that it forces you to think about what your character would be like outside of the set lines in the play and he or she would be as an actual person and this develops the way I can fit into the role of the character in order to fulfil the role.